and now, back to your regularly scheduled discussion topic...

robert owen thomas (
Mon, 8 May 1995 10:01:39 -0500

== >   Oh good. I think possibility has practicality implied. After all, if you
== > can generate an infinite amount of energy, you CAN go the speed of light
== > (according to the current laws of physics), so there, it's not impossible.
== But according to current physics, there is a finite amount of total
== energy in the Universe, and thus it is impossible to get the infinite
== energy required to do this - again, impossible, not infeasible.

oh, please.  this discussion has exited the realm of bugtraq, bypassed the
realm of silly, and firmly entrenched itself in the realm of the absurd.

and now for something completely different (apologies to M. Python):

ObBug:  i have recently discovered that it is possible to re-export an
imported filesystem under Linux.  to illustrate:

hostA --> exports /usr/share to -access=hostB
hostB --> a linux box.  re-exports /usr/share to everyone
hostC --> not implicitly trusted by hostA, mounts /usr/share

aside from any security concerns, this would certainly thrash your nfsd's.
does anyone have any experience with this?  i have only recently discovered
this, and have not had time to peruse it in depth.



o  robert owen thomas: Unix consultant. Big Brother. user scratching post.  o
o         e-mail: --or--            o
o                  vox: 708.632.5768  fax: 708.632.5694                     o
o                -- System Administrator's Dictionary --                    o
o    user (you'zer) n. 1 A waste of system resources; an unwanted load      o
o    on the processor(s) of a Unix system. 2 Someone who uses Caps Lock.    o